06/2024: Mobilizing An Electric World – Robert Young

Tuesday 18th June 2024 from 19:00 for 19:30
Abingdon United Football Club (Northcourt Rd, OX14 1PL, Abingdon)

In the midst of global warming and climate change, it is important to decrease the impact we have on the planet. Our daily lives require a great amount of energy, from commuting to computing. Renewable energy is the only sustainable way forward. To fuel the energy demands of the world throughout the year, we need this renewable energy everywhere and at all times. There remains an issue for applications such as solar and wind power, where the energy source is supplied intermittently. This is where energy storage comes into play, powering our homes and cell phones even in the darkest of times. Energy storage enables the utilisation and mobilisation of renewable energy to power our everyday lives.

In this talk, we will discuss the fundamentals of energy storage, explore key parameters to keep in mind, examine the current state of the technology, and offer some perspective on where it is headed. We will focus primarily on lithium-ion batteries and look at how this prevalent technology is shaping the world around us and explore how we can shape its development.

Speaker: Robert Young

Scott Young is a PhD researcher studying the degradation of solid-state lithium-ion batteries at University College London (UCL). Much of Scott’s work relates to the use of large-scale radiation facilities such as the Diamond Light Source in Oxfordshire to image lithium-ion batteries in 3D with X-rays during operation and understand why they break down over time.

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