Place and Time: Abingdon, Thursday 20 July 2017 from 19:00 for 19:30
Barn Room, Crown and Thistle (18 Bridge St, Abingdon OX14 3HS)
TITLE: Imaging Fast Phenomena: the world of high speed photography
Just as a microscope opens up the world of small distances, high speed photography opens the world of short times. Since the advent of photography itself, people have attempted to visualise events that are too fast for the human eye. This talk will give an overview of both early and modern techniques used to build cameras capable of thousands, and now millions, of frames per second and explore some applications of high speed imaging in science and engineering.
Speaker: Clive Siviour
Clive Siviour is an Associate Professor in the Department of Engineering Science, Oxford University. His research focusses on the development of experimental techniques for measuring the behaviour of materials and structures under impact. He has a particular interest in the use of high speed photography to visualise and quantify this behaviour.